OE – Objectives and Benefits2023-03-30T14:44:08+00:00

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence

Objectives and Benefits.




We analyse manufacturing cost, labour productivity, operational complexity, scale and configuration to identify plants that are best performing strategic peers as well as local competitors. This, in conjunction with our 25+ years benchmarking experience enables participants to:


  • Map the competitive position of manufacturing facilities by analysing manufacturing costs given the scale and complexity of the respective operations.
  • Identify the activity areas of strength and improvement versus local competitors and best practice look-alike operations and quantify the financial prize of improvement initiatives.
  • Design an evidence-based continuous improvement strategy that drives operational excellence.



The key benefit of the PIMS programme is a step up in performance that provides:

  • Objective evidence of true competitive position regionally and globally
  • Comprehensive understanding of process optimisation required to master complexity and be world-class
  • Basis for analysing alternative future scenarios using experiences of peers who have been there
  • Stimulus for change based on clear evidence versus real competitors under strict confidentiality.

Science and Methods

Collect performance metrics and drivers; Research to define meaningful complexity indices by area and other intrinsic drivers; Compare plant to look-alikes and local peers using waterfall to drill down.

Phases and Steps

Ensure sufficient benchmarking participants; Define key data, set timetable, resolve issues; Assemble and check data; Benchmark against relevant peers; Discuss results and set priorities for change.

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Enhance your business performance with strategic benchmarking, customer value management, operational excellence, and transformation & change. Contact us today to explore the possibilities!

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