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Predictive analytics and change.

PIMS.ai – unlocking business potential since 1973, because evidence-based management beats wishful thinking.

Trusted by amazing brands

Our services and solutions.

World-leading empirical research on strategic management. Comprehensive data on tens of thousands of years of business experience.

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The PIMS® Customer Value Analysis (CVA®) is a solution for measuring and managing the value perception of available offerings in the market.

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Since 1993, the PIMS benchmarking programme has enabled over 250 LOBPs and GMPs worldwide to understand their true competitive position, pinpoint areas of improvement in their manufacturing supply chain and be a top-quartile blending plant.

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So far you have only worked together. You have not yet collaborated. How organizations function twice as well with half the money.

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  • Whether it’s assisting, searching for content, browsing or directly looking for answers to your questions or challenges, Holos is here to help, 24/7, real time. Save the time spent in Google to find any given content and to filter good from bad. Simply leverage Holos’ cognitive services and help yourself with proved and qualified content. Our Knowledge Platform uses the Malik Management Systems® that have been proofed and applied for more than 40 years and today are worldwide leading in professional management and in the scientifically based management theory. Ready for the greatest challenges of organizations in the 21st century.
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Predictive Analytics and evidenced-based management

Relying on concrete evidence rather than wishful thinking, we empower our clients to achieve remarkable, enduring, and substantial enhancements in their performance. We stand by their side as they navigate the journey of transforming their businesses from the red to the green curve.

Malik Mision Vision

Register your interest.

Enhance your business performance with strategic benchmarking, customer value management, operational excellence, and transformation & change. Contact us today to explore the possibilities!

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