
So far you have only worked together.
You have not yet collaborated.

How organizations function twice as well with half the money

Trusted by incredible brands

So far you have only worked together.
You have not yet collaborated.

How organizations function twice as well with half the money

What is Syntegration®

Syntegration® is the most effective communication architecture available today. It is a method to find optimal solutions for complex problems in only 2-3 days involving all relevant key stakeholders while forming consensus and aligning them behind the joint solutions.

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Conditioning and Mind-Setting of participants maximizing the possible scope for solutions while ensuring effective onboarding.
How much command, how much self-steering agenda.
Mass customise the way of suggesting, emerging or determining the topic to be discussed against the background of the Opening Question.
Classic, Systemic or determination by management.
Facilitation is not moderation.
Facilitation of every single work-stream by certified Malik Syntegration® Facilitators with >15y of experience at and with the Malik Management Systems.
The back-end.
Preparation and delivery of the Syntegration core process by certified Malik Syntegration® Operators with >50x Malik Syntegration experience.
Make the system speak about itself: holistic system exploration.

Management diagnostics on Strategy, Structure, Culture, Management System, Managerial Effectiveness, but also the application of our unique solutions such as the Viable System Model® (VSM®) for Diagnosing and Designing of organizations, or PIMS® Predictive Analytics for Strategic Benchmarking, Customer Value and Management, and Operational Excellence.

Identification of system levers.
Computer-assisted and systemic analysis of the control loop of the “system in focus”. Identify and leverage those differences that make a difference.
Vilfredo Pareto at Implementation.
Systemic Prioritization of Actions based on and mapped to the systemic control loop analysis: Which 20% of actions can get you to 80% of the result.
Individual Preferences yet Group Optimum.
Based on individual preferences yet representing the group optimum.
Solutions you have, implementation it is.
Implementation support after Syntegration to ensure the required interconnectedness of actions doesn’t end up in the silos of daily business.
Elimination of Location
eSyntegration based on MS Teams or as “Syntegration as a Service” (available soon) make location irrelevant while allowing for collaboration across different time zones.

The Malik Syntegration®

Releasing creativity, intelligence and energy. Connecting knowledge in an optimal way: to master complexity. Identify and solve the toughest challenge in 2-3 days.

Excellent reviews
Excellent reviews

Why Syntegration®


Problems get more and more complex and need to be solved faster and faster because the world changes ever faster.


The big challenges are inter-disciplinary and across departments and silos; they are systemic in nature


The small team does not suffice anymore – more and more people need to be involved

With Syntegration® you can:


revolutionize the way your people collaborate, cooperate and solve problems.


find optimized solutions for your biggest, trans-disciplinary and trans-departmental problems.


create consensus, ownership, buy-in and alignment among your people.


maximize collective intelligence of your organization.

After a Syntegration® you will have:

Taken into account the diverse views and creative ideas of all the participants.

Achieved results in terms of concrete action steps and priorities that are shared and supported by all participants.

Mastered the complexity of the situation and all its interconnections.

Built up and released energy for implementation.

Why Syntegration®


Problems get more and more complex and need to be solved faster and faster because the world changes ever faster.


The big challenges are inter-disciplinary and across departments and silos; they are systemic in nature


The small team does not suffice anymore – more and more people need to be involved

With Syntegration® you can:


revolutionize the way your people collaborate, cooperate and solve problems.


find optimized solutions for your biggest, trans-disciplinary and trans-departmental problems.


create consensus, ownership, buy-in and alignment among your people.


maximize collective intelligence of your organization.

After a Syntegration® you will have:

Mastered the complexity of the situation and all its interconnections.

Taken into account the diverse views and creative ideas of all the participants.

Achieved results in terms of concrete action steps and priorities that are shared and supported by all participants.

Built up and released energy for implementation.

The old way of doing things

The outcome of communication processes is determined by the interconnection of the participants.

Linear interconnection

Linear interconnection

  • Destroys information, produces nonsense.
  • Holds true for all cultures (law of nature).
  • Works the same way, horizontally or vertically.

Hierarchical interconnection

Hierarchical interconnection

  • Leads to maximum power of top person.
  • Does not use existing knowledge.
  • Can work where know-ledge is not crucial.

Classic Team interconnection

Classic Team interconnection

  • Optimal for a small number of (5-7) people.
  • But what if 30, 50, 100 or more persons are needed for problem solving?

The Syntegration® way – Time becomes no longer part of the equation

Syntegration minimizes the time needed to solve complex issues by doing simultaneously what used to be done sequentially

Syntegration optimizes the way people connect and communicate thereby guaranteeing the optimal distribution of knowledge, opinions, views, and language. Because it matters how you connect people

This way, participants can work like one brain

Use cases

Syntegration® is applied where conventional change methods reach their limits

Syntegration® is applied where conventional change methods reach their limits

Variety-Engineering made in London / St. Gallen

Cultural change

Creating buy-in


Ownership and alignment among people

Increasing turnover


Customer value

Productivity improvement

Cultural change

Creating buy-in


Ownership and alignment among people

Increasing turnover


Customer value

Productivity improvement

Strategy development

Organisational transformation



Post-merger integration

Innovation projects

HR restructuring

Strategic transformation

Strategy development

Organisational transformation


Supply chain issues


Post-merger integration

Innovation projects

HR restructuring

Strategic transformation


The Syntegration has raised the bar for approaches combining synergy and integration. It has taken us to the next level!
Eugen Elmiger - CEO, maxon motor ag
Syntegration  was the cornerstone of the strategy for New Volkswagen. I have rarely experienced that in retrospect so many of the measures developed were actually implemented. The impact and significance of the method should not be underestimated in this respect.
Dr. Herbert Diess - former CEO, Volkswagen AG
Syntegration is like a time compression machine, delivering maximum information in minimal time. It’s an incredibly efficient way to absorb knowledge and insights that would otherwise take much longer to acquire. Highly effective and time-saving!
Unbelievable! Syntegration accomplished what would have taken three months of work in just three days. The efficiency and results were truly astounding, and I’m beyond impressed with the outcomes achieved in such a short period.
In just three days, Syntegration taught me more than my year and a half at the company. It was an eye-opening experience that accelerated my learning and professional growth beyond measure. Highly recommended!
I was initially sceptical about Malik’s promise of “heaven on earth” through Syntegration, but now I can confidently say that we are living that reality. Syntegration delivered on its extraordinary potential, transforming our experience into something truly remarkable. We couldn’t be more delighted with the results!
The method’s impact and significance for a successful outcome cannot be underestimated. It creates a shared perspective on the status quo, a shared plan, shared agreements, and commitments – all essential for successful implementation, especially in an entity as complex as the Volkswagen Group.
Dr. Herbert Diess - former CEO, Volkswagen AG
Syntegration as a core instrument to lead the Group into a sustainable and successful future is, in my view, unique and effective.
Dr. Herbert Diess - former CEO, Volkswagen AG

Syntegration is incomparable, a one-of-a-kind experience that has propelled our team to unprecedented success. Without it, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Syntegration is not just any new workshop concept, but a fundamental innovation in communication, because it combines the problem-solving ability of large groups with the efficiency of small teams on a cybernetic basis.
Hans Roth - Board of Directors, LGT Bank AG
Syntegration is an incredibly powerful tool; it felt like a turning point for us. In just 3.5 days, we transformed into a new leadership mindset, shifting from defense to offense, embracing challenges, and seizing opportunities with newfound confidence. It’s been a game-changer, propelling us forward as a more agile and proactive company.
As powerful as it is thought provoking. Truly a fantastic experience!
Daniel Hager - CEO, Hager Group

Get Started

Which format are you interested in?

Which format are you interested in?

All formats are available On-site, Remote and Hybrid



Number of Participants


Number of Topics


Duration in days



Number of Participants


Number of Topics


Duration in days



Number of Participants


Number of Topics


Duration in days

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